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6 Telltale Signs That Your Leadership Style Needs A Change

Remember the days of VHS tapes and DVDs? I know my DVD of the first Barbie movie was abused and scratched beyond belief. But, with the days of Netflix and Prime Video that all seems like a distant memory. It just goes to show that what worked once, may not work forever. The same can be said of your leadership style. As your company changes and evolves, sometimes you also need to revive your leadership. But how do you know when your leadership isn’t working? Keep reading as we review 6 telltale signs that your leadership style needs a change. 


Sign #1: Low morale and engagement 


Low employee morale and engagement can indicate a disconnect between your leadership style and your team’s needs. This can cause a decrease in enthusiasm and a lack of participation in group activities. As a result, you can become out of touch with the people you lead which can create a further disconnect regarding goal alignment.  


Sign #2: High turnover rate  


High turnover rates can signal dissatisfaction or frustration amongst your team members. They may indicate that your leadership style is not effectively addressing your team’s concerns or providing them with the support they need to succeed.  


Sign #3: Resistance to change  


If your team is presenting a reluctance to change this may be a sign that your leadership style is not effectively communicating the rationale behind these changes or engaging your team in the process. This resistance may manifest as pushbacks or skepticism towards new initiatives.  


Sign #4: Decreased productivity or performance 

This decrease may suggest that your leadership approach is not working to motivate or empower your team members to excel. This can be presented by missed deadlines, increased errors or a declining quality of work.  


Sign #5: Communication breakdowns 


Frequent communication breakdowns or misunderstandings within your team may indicate that your leadership style is not fostering open and effective communication amongst your team members. This can cause confusion, conflicts or missed opportunities for collaboration.  


Sign #6: Lack of innovation or creativity  


If your team is consistently struggling to generate innovative ideas or create solutions, your leadership style may not be creating an environment that encourages risk-taking, experimentation and creative thinking.  


If you are experiencing many of the signs listed above, it may be time to give your leadership style a refresh. By learning to be attentive to these signs, you can identify areas where your leadership style may need adapting or changing. That being said, when you’re busy running your business, these signs can easily be overlooked. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have an extra set of eyes that could help you assess and perfect your leadership? That’s where we come in! Here at STEPS, we offer small business management services and can help you determine the current state of your leadership and fine tune your style to ensure that you are the best leader you can be for your team. Learn more about our services on our home page or reach out to us on our contact page.


To learn more about the process of adapting your leadership style, stay tuned for next week’s post! 


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